Privacy Notice



“Personal data” is any information about a living individual which allows them to be identified from that data (for example a name, photographs, videos, email address, or address), such individual being a “Data Subject “. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information. The processing of personal data is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998, the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”) and other legislation relating to personal data and rights such as the Human Rights Act 1998. The GDPR came into effect on 25 May 2018.



We are the current Charity Trustees of The Athlone Trust CIO (“the CIO”) which is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation set up under the Charities Act 2011 and the Charitable Incorporated Organisations (General ) Regulations 2012 and incorporated and registered with the Charity Commission under no 1188225 on 27 February 2020. On 17 August 2020 under a Transfer Agreement of this date and with the consent of the Charity Commission the CIO acquired all the assets and liabilities of The Athlone Trust (“the Trust”)  a charitable trust registered with the Charity Commission under no 277065,  with the intention being for the Trust to be merged  with the CIO, once all the assets have been transferred to the CIO,  and then removed from the Charity Commission’s register of charities .The CIO intends to take over all the obligations of the Trust in as seamless a manner as possible.


Like the Trust the CIO is a small grant-making charity with limited funds and the objects of the CIO are to provide financial assistance for adopted children with special needs. We consider applications for funding twice a year in May and November and award grants on merit. We also engage in fund raising each year. We are governed by the CIO’s  Constitution and under this the CIO is administered by the Charity Trustees of which the present  Charity Trustees are listed at the end of this Notice. The CIO is regulated by the Charity Commission. The Charity Trustees as a body are the Data Controller for the purpose of the GDPR and as required by the GDPR this Privacy Notice is provided by the Charity Trustees.



We hoid

A. Personal Information relating to the beneficiaries of the CIO and the Trust

B. Personal information relating to donors to the CIO and the Trust

C. Personal information relating to fund raisers

NB For convenience we have prepared three sub-notices one for each of the above sections of this main Notice to be sent out to each category of data subject.


A. Personal information relating to the beneficiaries of the  CIO and the Trust

1. What does the information comprise?

Personal information is provided by each applicant in the Application Form required to be completed for every application for funding comprising

* the names, ages and marital status of each applicant and their addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers

* the names, ages, and sexes of each adopted child for whom the applicant seeks assistance and of any other children in the family of the applicant

* the adoption certificate or order for the adopted child the subject of the application

* the details of the schools and academic records of such adopted child

* details of disabilities, physical and mental, for such child and other members of the family; medical , social and educational records;

* details of such child’s earlier life and relevant family history

* financial details – income and expenditure and assets and liabilities of the family and such child with evidence of income

* particulars of the schools where assistance with fees is requested and details of other grants and bursaries;

* the amount of the grant requested and for what period;

* full reasons for the application


2. How do we use and process this information?

The Application Forms and the accompanying papers are intended to provide us, the Charity Trustees, with all the information necessary to enable us to decide whether to award a grant and if so how much and for what period of time. The applications are all carefully considered by us at meetings of the Charity Trustees held twice a year in May and November. As Charity Trustees we have to exercise our powers properly and fairly and as we have a complete discretion our decisions have to be made unanimously and awards of grants are made according to the merits of each application. Once made the Chairman writes to the applicants with the decision of the Charity Trustees in each case. No reasons are given for the decision in each case.


No applications will be considered unless the following conditions are satisfied


* The child for whom financial assistance is required is adopted in the United Kingdom or overseas in an adoption process recognised in the United Kingdom. Original adoption certificates or orders must be produced before any grant is awarded

* the child for whom funding is sought is under the age of 18 or if older in fulltime secondary education. A child at university would not be eligible;.

* the child should have some disability, physical or mental , such as emotional or behavioural problems. Evidence in the form of reports must be provided.


For a grant to be awarded it must be for educational purposes for the benefit of the child such as for tuition fees or towards fees for schools providing for special educational needs, or for special educational equipment, computer equipment, musical instruments, or therapy sessions. This list is for illustration purposes only and not intended to be exclusive or limited.  The grants awarded towards school fees are generally in the region of £200 to £750 per child per term for one to two academic years. If, at the expiry of a grant, further funding is required a further application must be made. 


All applicants’ financial positions are examined closely and the details of income and expenditure, assets and liabilities must be clear and fully supported by bank statements, letters re benefits from the DWP, PAYE slips or tax assessments. Full details of bursaries, other grants or assistance from other members of the family must also be provided.


When an offer of a grant is accepted the applicant is requested to ask the school in question to send invoices to the Chairman at the beginning of each term. These will then be settled by cheque or by online transfer. In cases of tuition fees or purchases of equipment the applicant will be reimbursed by cheque the cost against receipted invoices.


The Application Form and accompanying papers are shared only between the Charity Trustees. The Chairman and the Treasurer keep schedules of children for whom grants are awarded with details of amounts, duration, schools, payments made and payments due. The schedules are kept both in paper form and electronically in order to control the grants and payments of invoices and these are updated as new grants are awarded and grants expire. These are referred to at our Charity Trustees’ meetings when we consider our financial position and our commitments.


3. Sharing of information outside the CIO and the Trust

The names, ages of each applicant, their schools, the amount of grant and details of invoices paid are shared with the Independent Examiner for accounting purposes as required by law. Some of the information namely the name, addresses and schooling may be shared verbally or in emails with other grant making charities also assisting the child considered by us for funding. The names of applicants and child at school with their addresses, email addresses and amounts of a grant will also be shared with the schools attended by the child.


4. Security of information provided by applicants

The completed application form and papers are scanned and filed electronically in the Chairman’s secure and password protected computer files. The original application form and papers are kept in folders in a locked cabinet in the Chairman’s study. Original adoption orders and certificates and other original papers are returned by Signed for Post to the applicants. Any information provided separately is also dealt with in the same way. Any personal information which has to be emailed between the Charity Trustees is sent in password protected attachments. All schedules of grants in payment are kept in locked cabinets or electronically in password protected computer files.


5. How long do we retain this personal information?

We retain the completed application form and accompanying papers for the duration of the grant awarded and for two years after its expiry. The form and papers will then be destroyed and all electronic copies deleted.

We should nevertheless like to keep in touch with all applicants and intend to keep a data base of names, addresses and email addresses of all applicants and name of the child supported by us.


6. What is the legal basis for the retention by us of this personal information?

We have a legitimate interest in such information contained in the application form in order that we can carry out our duties as Charity Trustees to consider whether to award a grant and if so for how much in a proper and fair way. Nevertheless we need each applicant’s written consent to using and retaining this information in the manner specified. This Privacy Notice is therefore printed at the end of the application form and each applicant is advised at the beginning to read the Notice before completing the form and that by signing the form will be giving their written consent accordingly.


Each form will also request that each applicant give their consent to us retaining their name, address and email address and the name of the child supported by us in order that we can keep in touch after the expiry of any grant.


7. Children

Furthermore we recognise that each child ‘s personal information includes sensitive personal information and deserves special protection. This Notice is designed to be understood by children and we check the age of the child when considering the application for grants. Once they have attained the age of 18 a child will be asked to sign a form of consent to the information contained in the application form being used and retained by us in the above manner.


8. What rights do data subjects have?

Each applicant and a child of 18 who is the subject of a grant shall have the following rights

* to check the data we are holding is correct and request us to correct it or complete it

* to request us to erase any part so long as this is not information we need to retain

* to request us to restrict our use of the information so long as this does not prevent us from administering the grants

* to withdraw your consent at any time after the expiry of the grant. If the consent is withdrawn during the existence of the grant the grant will have to be revoked and payments will cease.

* the right to complain to the Chairman of the CIO  representing the Data Controller and to the Information Commissioner at the addresses given at the end of this Notice


B the Donor’s Personal Information

1. What does the information comprise ?

a) names and amounts donated on-line via justgiving

b) names and addresses and amounts donated off-line given in the Gift Aid Declaration Forms completed by Donors

c) names and addresses and amounts given by donors off-line but without completion of a Gift Aid Declaration comprised in schedules of off-line donations made each year.

d) Amounts payable under old covenants derived from the former National Childrens Adoption Association


2. How do we use and process this information?

a) the information from justgiving we retain for financial records only

b) We retain the Gift Aid Declaration forms in order to obtain Gift Aid from HM Revenue and Customs .

b) & c) the schedules of off-line donations we retain so that we can write to the donors individually when we carry out a fund raising campaign or as part of a mail shot to an area which includes the names of previous donors. They are also retained for financial and annual accounting purposes

d). The amounts are recorded in the CIO and the Trust’s annual accounts but we have no details of the covenantors and would have to ascertain this through our bank.


3. Security of information provided by donors

a) as we have a password protected account with justgiving all the donations made via justgiving are kept in this account but downloaded by us electronically from time to time to the Chairman’s and Treasurer’s computers for financial purposes.

b) We keep the original completed Gift Aid Declarations in a lever arch file in the locked cabinet in the Chairman’s study and copies are provided to the Treasurer for the purpose of obtaining gift aid from HM Revenue and Customs.

c) the Schedules of off-line donations are kept both in paper form in the lever arch file of Gift Aid Declarations and electronically in the Chairman’s password protected computer.

d) the amounts appear in the CIO and Trust’s bank statements which are kept by the Chairman and the Treasurer in locked cabinets.


4. Sharing

None of the above information is shared with anyone other than the Charity Trustees , the Independent Examiner and HM Revenue and Customs.


5. How long do we keep this information?

We shall retain the Schedules of off-line donations for as long as we have the consent of the donors.

So far as the Gift Aid Declarations are concerned we shall retain them for so long as is necessary to reclaim the gift aid but otherwise for as long as we have the consent of the donors.


6. What is the legal basis for retention of this information?

As a charity with limited funds and commitments to meet, we have to raise funds each year and we consider we have a legitimate interest in the information provided by our donors but at the same time we accept that apart from retaining gift aid forms for reclaiming gift aid we need the donor’s consent to hold information relating to them.


7. What rights do donors as Data Subjects have?

Each donor has the following rights

* to check the data we are holding is correct and to request us to correct it or complete it

* to request us to erase any part so long as this is not information we need to retain

* to withdraw your consent at any time

* the right to complain to the Chairman of the CIO  representing the Data Controller and to the Information Commissioner at the addresses given at the end of this Notice


C Personal information relating to fund raisers

1. What information do we hold?

We hold the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers , ages and occupations of those persons who have been engaged by us to take part in sponsored runs such as the British !0 K London Run or other sporting activities to raise money for the Charity.


2. How do we use this information ?

We use the information in order to contact the runners to see if they will run again and to communicate with them in the process of registering for the Run and preparing for and

participating in the Run. The names and occupations also appear in appeal letters and letters of thanks.


3. Security of such information?

The information is retained by the Chairman in a folder in the locked cabinet in the Chairman’s study and electronically in emails and Run registration forms stored in the CIO and Trust’s files in the Chairman’s password protected computer.


4. Sharing

The names and occupations of each sponsored runner appear with their consent in the appeal letters sent out to prospective sponsors and their names also appear in letters of thanks sent to donors after the sponsored Run. Apart from these cases, the information is not shared with anyone other than the Trustees.


5. What is the legal basis for us holding this information?

As we have to take steps to raise funds we have a legitimate interest in the runners who are prepared to take part in sponsored runs for this purposes. Nevertheless we realise that we need their consent to retain the information.


6. What rights do the runners as Data Subjects have ?

The runners and others engaged in sponsored activities have the following rights

* to check the data we are holding is correct and to request us to correct it or complete it

* to request us to erase any part so long as this is not information we need to retain

* to withdraw your consent at any time

* the right to complain to the Chairman of the CIO representing the Data Controller and to the Information Commissioner at the addresses given at the end of this Notice



1. We ensure that written consents by all current data subjects are obtained

2. A list of all consents will be kept by the Chairman securely in paper form and electronically

3. No personal information is shared outside the CIO and the Trust except in accordance with this notice.

4. We ensure that our security systems are where possible kept up to date.

5. We take note of advice given by the Charity Commission concerning data protection and fund raising

6. This Notice and the three individual sub-notices will be reviewed periodically



If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.



Please contact us if you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or the information we hold about you or to exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints at:

The Chairman



You can also contact the Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113.



Present Charity Trustees

David King-Farlow (Chairman)

John Auber (Treasurer)

Anita Loring

Matthew Smallwood

Notice dated  23.09.2020

© Copyright The Athlone Trust CIO | 2020

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